Junior Curling at the
Geraldton Curling Club
JUNIOR CURLING (ages 7+) will be held on Tuesday - 5:30 to 6:30​
Contact Dorothy Sutherland for more information - 807-853-0677
See League page for more info.
The Geraldton Curling club offers the youth of Greenstone the opportunity to “Throw Rocks at Houses.” Junior Curling has been available at the present day Geraldton Curling Club since the Winter of 1985. Over the years, the Club has supported junior curling in a variety of ways.

Once a curler's skill level has progressed to a higher level, there may be an opportunity for competitive curling. The club has sent many U18 (formerly Bantam) and U21 (formerly Junior) teams to compete in out of town competitions at the Region and provincial levels. Many of the competitive players also have curled in the adult leagues.
On a less competitive note, funspiels are incorporated into the regular season, and curlers are also encouraged to become involved in the funspiels promoted by the other clubs within Greenstone.

This season there will only be one session from November 11th until March 31st. The Club has brooms, sliders, grippers available for use by the kids. Clean shoes (to be used only for curling) with a good grip are a necessity as is warm clothing. Safety, instruction, skill competition, and games are provided for the players to learn the game of curling.

We also offer the 'Skills Awards' program promoted by Curling Canada. This program allows curlers to compete against themselves to improve their skills, while at the same time earning a badge and certificate in progressive levels. We provide an environment which promotes fun, friendship and respect, all while learning the game of curling.

For more information regarding the Youth Curling Program contact the Junior Curling Chairperson - Dorothy Sutherland.